Saturday, October 20, 2012

Big Oil and the US Chamber of Commerce Fight to Keep Foreign Bribery Flourishing

Perfect example of why Citizens United MUST be overturned!

Quoted from, "...violated corporate "First Amendment" rights."
Something about that just sound WRONG!  Corporations are not living, breathing, independently thinking 'humans'...?...

"For supporters, it is difficult to see what is so costly about inserting a few paragraphs into an annual SEC filing. “We are greatly disappointed that the oil industry is trying to use the courts to bully the SEC and push for secrecy in their payments to governments,” said Ian Gary of Oxfam. “We call on companies, such as BP, Exxon, Chevron and Shell, who are hiding behind industry associations to do their dirty work while espousing transparency rhetoric, to disassociate themselves from the lawsuit.”"

Read the entire article at the following link.

Big Oil and the US Chamber of Commerce Fight to Keep Foreign Bribery Flourishing

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