Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend Recap In America

Weekend Recap Question:

If two or more countries keep shooting rockets and bombs at each other, who will be left to fight when all the citizens are dead?

The Week In A Nutshell

While the countries in the Middle East resume swapping out incendiary devices, the political corporations of America stoop to the lowest level of non-patriot exposure by threatening to move such American icons as "Twinkies" to Mexico.  Surely, President Obama will jump on this opportunity to levy Trade Tax, Sanctions and Embargoes against anyone attempting to support the efforts of such megaliths as Hostess Brands relocating to any other country will face importation taxes that close the gap between expected profits and what profits they took with them when they bailed out on America.  Hostess?  You picked a fine time to leave us, Twinkie!

Bill Gates (yes, *that* one) discussed the future of education with Fareed Zakaria GPS of CNN exposing such interesting facts as America has the most sought after Ivy League colleges in the world.  A fact we probably already knew, but Gates continued that with computer programming and the Internet, those boring college lectures are easily watched in the comfort of the student homes.  This alone would remove the time burdens from colleges across the world.  Gates also touched on the subject of 1 and 2 year trade schools as not everyone in the world is cutout for a 4 year college degree.  However, the corporate world is all too eager to aid in both finances and updating of America's extended schooling to help ensure the employees of tomorrow are well equipped to handle the jobs of the future.  Perhaps they have not yet heard about Hostess Brands "jumping ship" tactics, else everyone in America who wants a college degree or Apprenticeship will need an updated passport.

The American history books will report that the first term of the first Black American President was, indeed, stymied by the sour grapes Republicans who carried out their threat that they would not vote for anything the new President handed down.  Those Republican Extremists were just that determined because they were throwing yet another tantrum at having lost their bid for the White House.  So we spent this weekend hearing excerpts from all chambers that it is imperative to work together while others insisted that they will not give up Bush Era Tax Cuts for the Wealthy.  To date, no one on any side of the story can make a list of things that those 'rich folks' did with all that money they had at their disposal to create jobs and massage the economy into a visible hope of ever balancing the budget, let alone paying off the National Deficit.  One can only suppose the Republicans are so certain of a 2016 election in their favor that they still think the people will vote in a Republican.  Face it, neither party has anyone qualified for President but Hillary Clinton.  And as of this article, she insists she's done with politics.  Only the future holds the answers to this mystery.  In the meantime, please ask your local Republican to "Get Over It" and create a way to balance the budget and pay off the National Debt, even if it means giving up Bush Era Tax Cuts!

An American coach lost his job when explanations failed to justify such losses as 41-18 with Vanderbilt winning and Tennessee's resulting record was 15-21.  Sometimes juggle the ball creates upsets that can never be righted but none-the-less, Tennessee is now in search for the coach who brings in more wins.

On a global scale, the world continues to revolve around the Sun despite the efforts of humans to destroy all icons and heroes, even such American delicacies as Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Sno Balls, and Wonder bread.  At this point the only thing Americans can do is remember that all those megaliths began by simple people who made use of what they had at the moment to build a business without government assistance, or political influence.  Stop your worrying and start your own at-home business... your ancestors did.  It was later called the American Tradition.

Good day.

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